Allied Health Insights Vol.2, No.29: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, And Career Transformation With Fiona Shield
In this edition of Allied Health Insights
Career transition is a pivotal step that many allied health professionals consider, one that presents a lot of challenges and uncertainties. This week we hear from a UK-based pioneering speech and language therapist (SLT) and workforce development leader who took this step.
Following a distinguished career in SLT, research and healthcare leadership that culminated in her appointment as Head of Organisational Development and Leadership with an NHS community trust, Fiona Shield made the decision to transition her career by going into business as an executive coach and mentor.
We were fortunate to speak to Fiona about her pioneering work in SLT, the evolution of her business idea, and what true leadership means to her.
We discuss a range of topics highly relevant to AHPs who are considering that next step on their career ladder—one that stands out in particular from our discussion is the idea that, as allied health professionals, we’re already equipped with a range of transferrable ‘soft’ skills that we can tap into when we’re considering a pivot to a leadership role or entrepreneurial innovation.
“For those who do choose to step outside, it’s having that confidence to know that they have important transferable skills to take with them.”