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Project portfolio.

AHP Workforce partners with organisations and individuals to build capacity in allied health workforce planning and strategy. We have worked with a number of employers and public sector stakeholders to provide a range of allied health workforce planning, strategy and consulting services.

World Health Organization (Malaysia)

Credentialing, Competency and Capability Framework

Credentialing, Competency and Capability Framework

This project will develop a comprehensive/sustainable framework combining credentialing, competency, and capabilities for allied health professions in the MoH, in order to deliver safe, high quality and patient-centered care. This is to complement the existing guidelines related to credentialing, competency and capability of allied health professions in Malaysia.

Tasmanian Health Service

Service Review

Occupational Therapy Service Review, 2022

Examined the provision of occupational therapy (OT) services across the three geographic and health regions of Tasmania (the South, North and North West) to determine equity of access to and distribution of OT services; to understand the workforce capacity to meet population needs for OT services; and, where possible to benchmark against other, similar types of services or regions within Australia.

Pedorthic Association of Australia

Workforce Analysis

The Pedorthic Workforce in Australia: The challenges facing a small but critical workforce 2022.

An overview of the pedorthic profession in Australia, estimates of workforce need and supply, and the current risks facing the profession. Data collection included: a survey of the pedorthic workforce, published data on the burden of disease associated with lower limb anomalies managed by pedorthists, and an assessment of population needs for pedorthists and supply.

Speech Pathology Australia

Workforce Analysis

Speech Pathology Workforce Analysis 2021: Preparing for our future.

Analysis of the speech pathology workforce drawing on surveys with speech pathologists, students, service users and employers as well as a speech pathology workforce supply and need map of Australia.

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Australian Music Therapy Association

Workforce Analysis

Workforce Analysis 2022

An analysis of the current workforce issues facing the Australian Music Therapy Association leading to the development of a strategic workforce plan. The project included surveys of the music therapy profession, and mapping of AMTA workforce supply and need data.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District

Workforce Planning

Allied Health Workforce Plan 2023

Co-production of an Allied Health Workforce Plan using the AHPWorkforce allied health workforce planning framework.

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health SARRAH

Workforce Analysis

Effectiveness of the Allied Health component of the Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS) 2011 2017 Final Evaluation 31 December 2021

Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland

Research Capacity Building

Rural and Remote Research Capacity Building Project (RRR-CAP) 

AHPOQ commissioned AHP Workforce to undertake an evidence review and targeted consultation with health practitioners (HPs) and other key stakeholders to develop the Rural and Remote Research Capacity Building Strategy that builds research capacity and supports evidence-based practice in HPs working in rural and remote HHSs.  

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Mental Health Commission of NSW

Workforce Support Guide

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Support Guide for Rural Communities 

The purpose of this study was to assess a proof of concept around a novel way of meeting mental health service needs in a small rural town using existing workforce resources. The aim of the study was to develop a new model for providing mental health supports in small rural towns that aligns the mental health needs identified by the town with the available competency assets that provide mental health supports in that town. 

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Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute

Case Study

Principles and practice of primary health care integration: Learning and up-scaling results from a regional GP Superclinic.

This case study of a regional General Practitioners Superclinic (LGPSC) explored how primary health care services are integrated at the patient, service and system level. The outcome was a practice guide for primary care integration.

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Victorian Department of Health and Human Services

Research Project

Victorian Health Allied Health Workforce Research Project

Commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, this project involved an in-depth analysis of the allied health workforce in Victoria. An environmental scan of 17 professions, and in-depth surveys of 11 professions were completed.

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NSW Ministry of Health

Research Project

Rural Allied Health Supervision and Support Project (RAHSSP)

Connecting Practice redefines supervision as a fluid concept which is part of a broader context of change management. It recognises that there are multiple different supervision and support relationships, and these are contextually dependent. In other words, individuals are likely to require multiple different supervision and support relationships according to different needs, and these needs will change over time. Unlike the organisational focus of existing tools, Connecting Practice focuses on linking the needs and goals of the individual with those of the organisation and creating support structures that can address these goals.

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Healthy North Coast

Primary Care Integration Report

Primary care integration using allied health practitioners in North Coast and Mid North Coast Local Health Districts

This report describes the evaluation of an initiative to determine whether the co-location of local health district (LHD) employed community and allied health professionals in general practice settings results in better service integration and improved patient access and experience. Funded by the Agency for Clinical Innovation.

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Healthy North Coast

Primary Care Integration Report

Primary health care integration using practice nurse home visiting. Mid North Coast and North Coast Local Health Districts

To investigate increasing the capacity of the patient centred medical home the North Coast Medicare Local (NCML), in conjunction with the Agency for Clinical Innovation, established a 12 month pilot program to trial home visits by PNs in situations where there was a clinical need and the potential to provide additional value to the care of the patient. The purpose of the visits were to extend the care of the patient-centred medical home for patients who would unreasonably suffer through attendance at the practice and through this to investigate gaps in service delivery and financial and operational implications of the visits from the patient-centred medical home.

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Feros Care

Telehealth Evaluation Report

Evaluation of the “My health clinic at home” NBN pilot Coffs Harbour, Feros Care

This report details the findings of the evaluation of the Feros Care, National Broadband Network (NBN) enabled telehealth pilot of My Health Clinic at Home (MHCAH). The project was funded by the Australian Government
Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) under the National Digital Economy Strategy.

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