Lee Riddout
Lee is a strategic planner specialising in health sector human resources. Lee has specific skills in working with, managing and analysing health sector problems, especially through the design and evaluation of workforce interventions to overcome service delivery problems.
He draws on extensive health service and organisational evaluation research experience and a philosophy espousing primacy of customer needs in assessing the appropriateness of service delivery and therefore the demand for workforce.
Over a 40 year period he has worked in, and consulted to, public, private and not for profit sector organisations in such diverse industries as health, welfare, plastics, chemicals, metals, construction and finance.
Lee has been commissioned to conduct over 100 workforce studies for organisations, systems and whole industries most often for workforce planning purposes, including: public health; mental health workforce; aged care; allied health; nurses; pharmacists; and Aboriginal health workforce.
Prior to becoming a consultant, Lee was employed for eight years in the NSW Department of Health, for the last 4 years as Director of Workforce Planning. During his employment in NSW health, he designed and planned health workforce policies to optimise the delivery of health care.