With over 2000 AHPs and therapists trained to use the Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs), come and connect with experienced users who will be showcasing their work in measuring outcomes to evidence and shape the quality of special educational needs and rehabilitation services, from across the UK.
This year’s exciting TOMs CONNECT programme will include the following topics and speakers:
What should Person-Centred Community Rehabilitation look like?
Prof Diane Playford, Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation at Warwick Medical School
The process of care and the nature and role of measuring outcomes
Tim Benson, Director at R-Outcomes Ltd Patient leader at Royal Berkshire Hospital and author of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Experience: Measuring What We Want From PROMs and PREMs
The impact of values and emotions on the success of rehabilitation
Neil Bindemann, Exec Director, Person-Centred Neurosciences Society
Click Here to visit the event site, learn more and book your place.